February 28, 2011

Visual illusions That Tell About Your Psychological Condition

These illusions are invented by a Japanese psychiatrist Akiyoshi Kitaoka (A. Kitaoka). Without any trouble you can make your mind up, from which category of psychological condition you have to muddle through. Illusions are actually remaining at a halt for a calm and relaxed person. If the illusions seem to be in active shift then you need a holiday and lastly the worst case of all, if these illusions give the impressions of rapid changing then most appropriate place for you is the hospital.

I saw 2 of them moving.....UH OH.


Average Faces From Around The World

Hmmm... I was expecting people to be uglier than this. Oops. Check out more nationalities here.

February 26, 2011

Adele's Live at KCRW

"It's nothing quite like when you listen to a song written by someone you don't know...who've somehow managed to describe exactly how you felt at a particular moment in your life...if you've ever had a broken heart, you're about to remember it now..." - The host of BRIT Awards 2011

February 25, 2011

A PMS-Detecting Bracelet

It's a gadget that could help make men a bit more understanding at certain times of the month – or at least give them advance warning of a partner’s sudden mood swings.
A wristband has been designed to change colour when a woman is suffering from pre-menstrual tension.


February 14, 2011

Paris Tips

How to describe Paris in 2.12 minutes.

Paris for NYE next year!...or not.

Must-watch clips if:
- you're English and enjoy taking the piss at the French.
- you're American.
- you live/have moved/used to live there and notice none of these! (like me.)

This Is Not A Brothel

This sign is a winner. via

The Dreamers

A dedication to Bernardo Bertolucci's "The Dreamers" - great film, amazing soundtrack and Michael Pitt.

February 11, 2011


Destination: Japan? One cool animation.

Traveling in Burma Tips

- Pack very light.
- Do exercise and lots of stretching a month before traveling. (Your arms need to be strong. The grips need to be tight. Your body needs to be flexible.)
- Expect some bruises. (Tiger balm is a must.)

February 7, 2011

Give Me A Pack Of Cigs

"Three packet designs were envisioned, each one choosing to display the health hazards in a different way. One chose the option of compiling a recipe list all the chemicals contained in cigarettes, another opted for illustrating in fine, minimal, detail how smoking will curtail your life expectancy..."via

The Cleaning Unit

....and you thought they were doing the opposite, didn't you?